
RIP, my pretties

Last night a terrible thing happened. Black ink mysteriously paid us a visit in the dryer at the Laundry-Mat. The only load that we put into the dryer (2 loads combined - what we don't dry) ended up getting black ink spots all over everything! Some things were OK. Most of our socks and underwear are now black almost grayish dirty polka-dotted. The real kicker, the one that made me ball and lay on the floor in the warm clothes (this was when we were in the apartment, not in the Laundry-Mat, thank god) and cry over my jeans. Pickle even commented on how I had a lot of jeans in there. MY JEANS! Pickle's jeans don't get dried because she is scared they will shrink, but I dry mine because I have to many and they seem to turn out OK. But now, 4 pairs of them and 1 other pair of pants have been ruined.

I know that it is silly to get this upset about clothing--jeans--material possessions, but really, they are my favorite things and they are all designer. I usually got them off price, but they each had their own story. So now, I mourn the ones that have been lost. Some pairs will be thrown away and others will be saved for weekends since their spots aren't as bad. If you find this trivial, it is. I admit that this shouldn't be one of the things I am thinking about today, but DAMN. My jeans!

1. Citizens of humanity

This one is funny. You see, I got this same pair for my birthday and I didn't want them because I already had them. Their hems were frayed because my special method of hemming where I replace the original bottom of the jeans got messed up. I got this very cheap at school at the best store ever. deals and steals. They were unique because of the bold greenish h on the butt pockets. I only wore them on the weekends because of the ratty bottoms. But now, they are beyond repair. RIP, my pretty.

2. seven boycut

I got these in Tahoe with my mom at one of our favorite stores that is now closed. The lady who owned the store showed us how to do the hem trick with the original bottom so that they didn't look hemmed. This was one of the few that were full price. They are unique because instead of solid gold singular stitch on the butt pockets, they are two skinny gold stitches with denim in the middle of the swoosh. I got these about 3 or 4 years ago and they were perfect. They always fit, even with weight changes. I also looked much better in them than this girl to the left. I don't remember how bad these were because of the state of shock I was in last night. Probably a RIP.

3. joe's jeans sparkle star
I got these for my 21st birthday last year. I don't know what they are actually called, but there are two rhinestone swoops on each butt pocket with a star at the bottom. They were beautiful. The black spots aren't bad on these, but the few that are on them are in unfortunate spots. Luckily, they never did fit very well and I only wore them occasionally so to the weekend jeans pile they go.

4. True Religion Skinny

These are my newest pair of jeans. I haven't been able to buy jeans in a very long time so it was quite special when I bought these at the beginning of the summer. They are skinny jeans, which is really trendy right now and I could actually pull off because I am so small. I hemmed these in my special way and they are the best. I got them at a sample sale. Here in NY. They were $199 jeans that I got for $67. The best deal I've had. I have another pair of True Religions, but they aren't the same cut and seem so passe compared to the new skinny fit.
*5. J. Crew khakis. These are beyond ruined. They were a last minute addition to the wash. I wore these pants yesterday and Pickle suggested that I add them. Brand new petite khakis from the J. Crew outlet/factory store that we went to after Labor Day on our way home from Pickle's cabin. I had never owned a pair of J. Crew khakis until that pair. Worn twice, and lost to the death of the evil black ink in the dryer.
Oh! Will we ever be able to go to this Laundry Mat again? It is so close to our apartment, but if there is mysterious black ink in the dryer, then I don't know what we will do. I even checked before I put the clothes in because I found a crayon in the wash. Luckily, we did the wash on cold so the crayon didn't melt and get to more of the clothes first. It was grey. The clothes are tinted a similar shade from the black spots. Grey underwear, and not the kind that is heathered, is just kind of sad.


jess-nutt said...

Rest in peace, beloved denim, rest in peace. May Nat's bum one day look as cute again. Amen.

Anonymous said...

I know it's gone through the dryer, but at least consult with Wes on them before truly ditching them. That man can get out a stain like nobody's business. It's one of the sexiest things about him.