
sacrifices and bliss

I had to miss PRW last night. It was a sacrifice I made for Pickle's comfort. She didn't want to go to a party because we would have to walk or take a bus back to our house late at night. She didn't feel safe. I think this is mostly due to the grossest man ever commenting on her behind last week as we were walking in the dark. He got really close and started saying very inappropriate things about what he'd want to do. I couldn't do anything about it and by the time I realized what was going on (in true oblivious-in-her-own world Nat fashion), it was too late and we were inside at our destination.

I am not very upset about missing the TV show and for the first time in a relationship, I don't feel like she owes me something because I made a sacrifice for her. This is a very big deal for me. I have entitlement issues. I was there to comfort her when she worked herself into a tizzy about safety to the point where she didn't want to leave the house. I was there and I didn't even mind. We got to go bed early because of this and for that, I am in a way grateful. So, Pickle, don't feel bad. This is what a relationship consists of. I don't mind the small sacrifices anymore. I am happy to be in a place where I feel comfortable and not resentful. I can see the bigger picture better than usual.


Now, I must interrupt with the best creation ever invented. The other night I was craving chocolate and peanut butter. Everyone suggested a Re*ce's, but I said that I wanted something where the chocolate tasted less artificial. Newm*n's peanut butter cups were mentioned, but they were far away and expensive. BUT we found this. The perfect combo of chocolate and peanut butter that doesn't taste artificial, but blissful. Ah.

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