

I was trying to compose a blog post in my head for the last two days. I had some really good ideas and for some reason, they have just slipped away due to the intimidation of coming back from a mini-break.

Life has been busy, but I am so happy, I don't mind. We are getting ready to move into the top of my 6-month pregnant sister's (hooray! I'm going to have a nephew!) building at the end of this month (hopefully) and Olive the pug has kept our hands full! Raising a puppy is obviously harder than I expected, but now that we have it down, there just isn't any time for much else than taking care of her and keeping her occupied.

Last night, Pickle said we are squares now and I decided that I liked being a square and in fact, did NOT want to go to the Brooklyn H!p h0p festival. I wouldn't feel cool enough, but I was okay with that. I am happy where I am with a great girlfriend/partner/best-friend, our nice little apartment (and bigger, future one), our pug puppy(Sometimes I really can't believe I finally have one!), and a mostly decent job that pays enough to support myself and pup. The job is certaintly trying at times since there are too many "personalities" here to work with and I get frusterated that this is not where I pictured myself. I am trying to make the best of it for now so that I can establish myself first and then find my dream job. I am thinking of moving within the company to the print side and hopefully working my way around to a creative side but for now its commercial scheduling. I don't really know what the Print department does at my company, but I will find out and I'm sure it would be more ideal. I am also still thinking of nursing school in 2-3 years and one of my much older co-workers told me yesterday to "get out and be a nurse!"

Things are good.

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