
that damn eye twitch

For about a month and a half, I have been experiencing an eye twitch. My left eyelid flutters rapidly and although only Pickle can detect it when I point it out, it is so distracting! I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I'm sick of the flutter twitch, slightly impairing my vision!!!!! Talking to my boss yesterday, I was CONVINCED she was just sitting there watching it. I have been wearing my glasses non-stop for all reading and computer-ing, but it just won't go away!

I went ahead and did some research (finally) yesterday. This is a very common problem. Especially for accountants during tax season. The only cause: stress and fatigue. The only solution: rest and relaxation. Huh. Well now the thing is, I don't feeeel particularly stressed. Sure, I am working at a somewhat trying job, high pressure with regard to the big money clients, but seems standard for the ad industry. I am ready to apply to my nursing schools, but first I must complete some pre-requisite courses. Which I have selected at 3 CUNY (City of NY) schools that have night classes in Brooklyn. Very close to our neighborhood. Really not toio big of a deal since it seems I just have to wait and be accepted to one of those of at this point. Going on my way. My body has gotten used to 6am doggy wake-up calls and therefore we go to bed by 10 at the latest. Well, except for Top Chef nights. Then 11. But still, the things they suggested were meditation, massage, and yoga. Yuck. I hate those things. Well, not massage, but I don't have the money for that and to be honest, I think that my back is too effed up and tight, it would take a million sessions to make any progress. I thought of a pedicure, but after last summers toe Plantar's wart fiasco, I am scared to put my feet in anything that strangers have also soaked their dirty, infested feet with. Once again, too expensive even if I didn't have this new phobia.

So there you have it. I am on a quest to relax this weekend because I really don't know how I can go on any longer with this goddamn fluttering eyelid! There it goes again...


jess-nutt said...

I am a splendid masseuse.

Anonymous said...

my left eyelid has been fluttering for 2 weeks and it's annoying as hell... and I am under no particular stress either!
have you found a practical solution?