
a knitting interlude

I feel yucky now. I apologize if I hurt any feelings on this blog. I view it as my space to vent and I forget that others, who do not know me, may not understand and are reading it. I also can get quite fired up. But I am moving on.



Here are 3 really cool patterns.

The first comes from my little calender I've mentioned before and is for a stuffed BUNNY!! The pattern doesn't completely fit on those little pages so it goes all the way to Sunday. This intimidates me, but I really want to make it. For my nephew. But it is an ambitious project that I need to prepare for. Actually, these are all ambitious projects because I have come to a hiatus in Olive's rainbow sweater. I have about 8" worth of the back/top.

OK, actually, two knitting patterns since I can't get the bunny pattern online to post. Here is a similar pattern.

Here is a picture of the one I got in my calendar. So cute!

The other two patterns are from this really cool website Knitty.com. The first is another animal....

um, yeah, a penguin, but look how cute!!!
Also, I always like to have a nice new, bath pouf. So easy to use scrap-yarn for this one!
Knitty's "whimsies" sections is great. They had these patterns as well as a felted mancala board, callalillies, a wine cozy, and a womb. Yep.


Anonymous said...

We have an inevitable bunny theme coming along for Nephew's stuffed animals - a friend gave us 2 adorable stuffed bunnies and Wes brought one back from London Muji, too. So cute!

Wes said...

Um,what does one do with a knitted womb?

Anonymous said...

Love! the penguin :D