
artsy/dykey vs. classy

I dream of living on the upper west side. I want a doorman and I want to wear Burberry raincoats and dress my pug in a matching one. I want to be close to Central Park so J can go running in a nice place. I want to be rich. I know I sound stupid, but I really want the NY life that everyone dreams of. Well, not everyone, but you know.
But how many lesbians live on the upper west side? I want to be like Bette and Tina in the good times, just in Manhattan. Successful power lesbians with a doorman. I suppose J and I get just as many strange looks walking down the street holding hands in Brooklyn as we would on the upper west side. Brooklyn is cool and artsy and has great bars and restaurants that are affordable and I really do love it. But I really do want to wear burberry and have a doorman. Why can't I have both??????
Maybe Brooklyn for now and UWS for later. In 10 years maybe the upper west side will be the mecca for power lesbians. Maybe all those stupid girls that write books about questioning their sexuality will end up being gay, but looking straight and they will end up there. And then I would fit in. J called herself a yuppie last night and in the past I would have objected completely. But what is so bad about being a yuppie. Young and up and coming. I am young and successful and therefore up and coming. Maybe we are both yuppies and that's not such a bad thing.

How many 21 year olds do you know that are making 30k right out of college, have a 401k, dress in designer jeans AND love to have sex with GIRLS?! We are a unique breed.


Anonymous said...



Wes said...

When I had that former job that forced me to meet lots of rich lesbians and gays, I learned there was a shitload of rich lesbians in the UWS and the UES, too. Just so you know.