
get me out of here!

I'm sick of feeling unfulfilled and being talked down to. Making plans for the future is my only hope. So, I am looking into nursing programs for May 2008 start. Only the ones with combined BS/MS Nursing degrees, which are generally geared towards someone with a BA in something other than nursing, like myself. Since I already have my BA, I do not want to go for another BA or BS in Nursing, or even an Associate Degree, since I feel like it would be a step backwards, or a repeat performance, so there are about 6 programs in NYC that are designed for people like me! Yay.

The tricky part is getting the necessary pre-requsite classes that I avoided at Smith. Math and science, generally. And, for the life of me, I can't figure out why I didn't just take one goddamn intro to pysch course while at that beauty of a school! The main deterrent was failing my first year Bio course, so then decided to run as far away from Math and Science as possible into the arms of Art Studio! You see, I'm quite good at Math and I think it is absolutely bonkers that my AP Calc, Calc 2 and whatever else I had taken senior year of high school and first year of college (which I did PASS) can't count as equivalency of the skills for basic statistcs. It also feels a little backwards. I know, I know. It is very different, but not totally applicable and necessary to future nursing knowledge, if you ask me...but what do I know!


Anonymous said...

I am very excited by this plan. I think you would make a great nurse. My delivery should help you decide!

Anonymous said...

Nurses are awasome! I'm excited for you too.

Anonymous said...

awesome, of course. how embarrassing!