
breakfast wraps, junk food, and flowers...what more could a girl ask for?

Last night I struggled to take my sister's dogs to the "Dog House," where they board them. It really is called that. The giant chihuahua and the whippet did not like this idea. They were so excited to see their aunt nayonnaise, they were squirming too much for me to figure out Lexie's harness. I fed them and then attempted to put the harness on the whippet correctly 4 times! I seriously don't know what's wrong with me. I have never been able to put it on properly. The third time I thought I got it on correctly, and so we started to leave the apartment building and then I noticed it wasn't right and changed the direction to fix it only for it to come out with the lead on the side. Thank goodness the walk was only 4 blocks because I don't think I could have controlled those 2 dogs of such different sizes and craziness. I don't think Lexie really minded the side harness, but it was the tangled up mess of me that had the most problems. My sister had given me cookies and a bottle of wine for doing this. I wanted to take both of these things home. The cookies were in one of those flat, clear plastic containers that can pop open really easily, the baked goods kind, and so I tried carrying them in a plastic bag which kept getting tangled in their two leashes. I must have looked a bit ridiculous. I put the wine in my ginormous work tote bag and we walked down the busy street to drop them off. I think if I had seen myself I would have laughed out loud. I certainly would have never thought of that person as a dog owner. I was also wearing a work outfit consisting of a lot of black. Well, all black and it was an unusually warm afternoon, so I just felt funny.

After I dropped them off I decided to walk up and wait for the bus since my foot was hurting. I have been getting a gross thing treated on the bottom of my big toe for a while and after every time I go to the doctor to get it treated (like yesterday), my toe ends up hurting even in tennis shoes. Luckily, I have a wide variety of crazy colored and glittery sneakers. I'm sorta like a real sneaker pimp with the sneaker obsession and collection (mostly in college)....heh

When I got home I was sad to find the apartment empty. Olive and the Jess-ter were on their after-dinner walk as expected, but I was so sad that I just had to deal with these dogs that weren't mine and now I couldn't even see my own. About two seconds later, Jess-ter and Olive appeared! With FLOWERS! 3 bright colored Gerber daisies...purple, orange, and yellow...our 1 and 1/2 year anniversary!!! (I had forgotten. Ooops.) AWWW!

Hooray! I presented my cookies and bottle of wine as my contribution to our little celebration, but it didn't really compare. As a treat she let me eat junk food for dinner and we watched the Departed. Well, just popcorn in addition to many of those delicious cookies and wine! Seriously, they are the best peanut butter chocolate chip cookies EVER.

This morning she cooked us egg white and turkey bacon breakfast wraps. With cheese. The "Mexican" flavor. YUMM-O! I have the BEST. Girlfriend. Ever.

The subway was entirely too crowded this morning and so I didn't get a goodbye kiss. It always makes me wonder on the subway in particular, if I were a man, or if Jess-ter was a man, if we were hetero then maybe people wouldn't try to cut us off or get in between us. She thinks I am just being paranoid, but there might be something to the male privilege theory--others notice you due to your size alone. I had to hit multiple teenagers on class trips for spring break by "dropping my shoulder" (she taught me that one, too!) on my walk down Broadway. Seriously, can't they see I'm trying to go to work and move to the SIDE when they need to take pictures of the David Letterman sign???

I'm grumpy and don't want to be at work. All I want to do is play with my puppy and girlfriend at home (both at right.) I am soooo ready for this weekend. Trying to get through this day. At least we are meeting for lunch later. This job is sucking my soul and so I eat more and more free candy and soda that they provide for me. Ah, what fun it is to work for a dominating super-power agency with clients that rule the world! Mua, ha, ha!


L said...

Man, those are two VERY different dogs that you had to walk.
Also, it took me forever to figure out one of Winston's harnesses that I had bought him. For some reason when you take out the 'old nylon harness, all the damn buckles and lights and spinning tops and straps just makes it all go to hell. That and Winston is like Puggy Houdini when it came to escaping out of that harness...oh man.
Also, gross foot stuff sucks. I have "hammer toe" if you've ever heard of that, on my right foot and I am going to have to have surgery to remove bone from my foot in June! EEEP!
And also, happy anniversary! I love gerber daisies!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that they were so difficult, or that the harness was, anyway. They can't help their disparate sizes but I could at least have left a diagram. I always forget about that. Glad you enjoyed the cookies, at least!